Why I Do What I Do

“Why are you doing this, Bita? Why are you working when you really don’t need to?”

This question comes up among my friends, and I have three simple answers…

“Because I love what I do,
I’m being a role model to my two girls,
and I’m making a difference in the lives of busy, overwhelmed, and stressed women!!”

Why would I NOT do what I’m doing?!?!? 

When I was a very young girl, I heard a whisper in my head saying, “No matter what your status is in life, a woman should always have something for herself…to be able to support herself no matter what comes her way.”

Then, when I became a mom, I wanted my girls to know that it’s never too late to follow your dreams…no matter what! Especially as a citizen of the USA, a woman has the opportunity to educate herself and do whatever she puts her mind and heart into. 

We should all take advantage of that opportunity! 

When my girls were one and three, my husband and I went to see a movie called “The Guardian.” As we were walking out, I started crying, and my husband asked, “What’s wrong?” I told him, “There’s no way I will leave this world without making a difference.” 

Two years later, my passion and purpose fell into my lap, and I chose to go back to school to pursue an education in medicine.

It is such an honor and privilege to be able to teach other ladies another way of living life beyond the conventional approach that most of us were taught growing up. With a combination of science, wisdom, movement, and personal experience, I help women expand their consciousness and live a holistic lifestyle from a place of truth that results in liberation, joy, hope, connection, clarity, love, and peace. WOW! I could not be more fortunate, blessed, and humbled. 

That’s why I do what I do! I’d love to hear WHY you do what you do. Seriously, I’m interested. Comment down below!

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Dr. Bita Yadidi

Doctor of Eastern Medicine