Journal Daily

Can you believe I’ve been journaling since I was 12 years old?!? For all these years, sitting down to write has been one of the most helpful tools for processing my thoughts and emotions. It is one of the key elements of stress management in my life.

If journaling has never ‘worked’ for you, perhaps you were turned off by a particular way writing. I’ve found that different types of journaling work for me in different seasons of life – self reflecting, free writing, processing ideas and visions, and expressing gratitude. Some people journal daily, weekly, and sporadically. There is no right or wrong way. It all depends on what’s going on in your life and what you need.

Here are some benefits of journaling that I’ve personally experienced:

  1. Helps me clarify your thoughts and emotions.
  2. Empowers me to problem solve.
  3. Allows me to freely write down all my thoughts and emotions without judgment. This allows me to fully explore and release the emotions involved, which helps with clearing, letting go, and transforming those experiences and emotions involved. 
  4. Helps me to focus on certain parts of my life that need more attention in a particular season of life (gratitude, parenting, business ideas, spirituality, etc.)
  5. Sets an intention and assists with manifesting my vision and passion.
  6. Releases stress through free writing and then, even tearing up or burning the paper. 

Journaling is one of the tools I offer and teach to my clients in my “Take Charge of Your Life” 12-week one-on-one virtual coaching program. If you’re ready for a holistic life transformation (physical, emotional, mental, relationship or spiritual health), I’m offering a free 30 minute Discovery Call. Head on over to to choose a day and time that work for you.

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Dr. Bita Yadidi

Doctor of Eastern Medicine