The power of breath…how magical and powerful the breath is!
Without much awareness or effort, our body is functioning naturally…the way it’s meant to. Amazing, right?
24 hours 7 days a week, we are breathing.
Shallow or deep.
Short or long.
Fast or slow.
We are breathing…usually without much effort…until we get in the way by doing things that damage our lungs. We may or may not be aware of the harm we’re causing, but there’s definitely a cause and effect with all our choices, even if the results don’t show up until much later.
Isn’t that the same principle in all of life?
Our breath is a reminder of how effortless and magical life can be until we get out of the flow. When we get wrapped up in the mind and attached to the experiences, old patterns, and belief symptoms that no longer serve us, everything starts to feel harder. More difficult, more challenging. Everything just seems heavier, darker, and ultimately feels like we’re climbing Mt. Everest and out of breath!
Why is that? Because we’re going against the natural way of navigating life. Our perception, belief systems, and actions are out of alignment with the universe and our energetics. We get in the way of our breath. We’re not allowing for life to breathe into us.
The breath helps us remember the Truth. The breath helps us come back to the present. The breath guides us back to our higher truth. Without breath, we are dead. Breath is life. Breath is god. Breath is you.
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