We’re all doing the best that we can. Do you believe that? SOMETIMES… We forget to call a friend on their birthday. We are preoccupied with our own life. We react badly to the server. We lose our calm and simply lose it. We lose our patience. We honk at the person who doesn’t go on green. We are just grouchy. We stay in our robe on the couch all day. We decide to not wash the dishes ‘til tomorrow …AND the list can go on! BUT, THERE ARE ALSO MANY TIMES… You smile at the stranger walking past you. You ask the server how his day is. You send a text to a friend saying, “Thinking of you.” You order flowers to be delivered for your friend’s birthday. You express your love to your child for being just themselves. You give a warm meal to someone who is homeless. You don’t honk or react to the driver that comes into your lane. You lose your calm, but don’t totally lose it. You have an amazing, productive day at work. You were able to do 10 pushups without stopping. You are celebrate life and feel joyful …AND the list can go on! I have noticed ONE BIG THING that helps me do more things on the second list though. Wanna know what it is? |
It’s developing a consistent morning routine. When I take the time focus on my body, mind, spirit, and intentions for a few minutes before I start my day, it’s amazing how it changes my outlook on everything I experience. |
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